Markus Dahms
2011-05-26 13:11:42 UTC
Hi there,
taken a RGB JPEG image "in.jpg" the following chain produces wrong
colors in "out.jpg":
convert in.jpg -colorspace CMYK tif:- \
| convert - -colorspace RGB out.jpg
This one works on the other hand:
convert in.jpg -colorspace CMYK -compress none tif:- \
| convert - -colorspace RGB out.jpg
The input (JPEG) & intermediate format (TIFF) is important, I guess
there is a shortcut for JPEG compression in TIFF which is used but loses
Version: ImageMagick 6.6.9-6 2011-04-29 Q16
taken a RGB JPEG image "in.jpg" the following chain produces wrong
colors in "out.jpg":
convert in.jpg -colorspace CMYK tif:- \
| convert - -colorspace RGB out.jpg
This one works on the other hand:
convert in.jpg -colorspace CMYK -compress none tif:- \
| convert - -colorspace RGB out.jpg
The input (JPEG) & intermediate format (TIFF) is important, I guess
there is a shortcut for JPEG compression in TIFF which is used but loses
Version: ImageMagick 6.6.9-6 2011-04-29 Q16